Woolley For Commissioner

What initially drew me into the race for Eagle County Commissioner District 1, was that we can do a better job listening to and informing the community. People either do not know how to get their voices heard; they are not being listened to; or meetings are just at the wrong time or location. I want to change that. As a candidate, I want to listen to you now!
Would you take the time to fill out a Community Survey by clicking HERE?
The next area of concern is our economic base. Currently we rely heavily on Vail Resorts and Vail Health. When they are affected, small businesses and the workforce take a hit. It is time to act on economic diversification.
Land Development including affordable housing is a core conversation these days. Developers for the major projects are asking for quite a few variances. These need to be thoughtfully considered with ample public comment opportunities provided. Let us get creative with affordable housing options such as a tiny home development or a high-density dormitory style workforce housing.
Lastly, let us modernize our county interactions making it easier to find information and complete your business online. This can result in gained efficiencies and time that benefit both the county employee and the community.
I ask for your vote on November 3
Jennifer Woolley

The Campaign Kicks Off
May 28, 2020
I am Jennifer Woolley, Eagle County Commissioner candidate. Over the years, I met many of you while volunteering for the Eagle County Republican Party. COVID changed the landscape of campaigning. Details for “meet and greets” are forthcoming.
Do you know that there has not been a Republican on the Board of County Commissioners since 2006? It is time to bring balance back to the BOCC by electing a Republican.
A bit about me. I have a B.S. in Forest Biology from Colorado State University. My career spanned 30 years at Vail Resorts starting at Keystone and Arapahoe Basin. In 2002 I moved to Eagle County. Most of my career was spent in Ski Rental and Information Technology Management. Additionally, I served on several boards, some of which include: Rocky Mountain Chapter of HDI (an Information Technology Industry Association), National HDI Member Advisory Board and Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration Vestry.