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What is a County Commissioner?

What is a County Commissioner?
Traditionally a Board of County Commissioners consists of 3-5 elected commissioners. Its main purpose
is to administer county government: establish a budget, levy taxes, maintain infrastructure, such as
roads and bridges, and maintain Health and Safety and at times act in a judicial capacity.

Eagle County has three county commissioners each representing 1 of 3 districts. Regardless of district
the entire county votes. The Eagle county Board of Commissioners is defined as the county
government’s main policy-making body and services in an administrative, budgetary and at times a
quasi-judicial capacity.

The County has a Mission and Vision Statement shown below. Along with it are Core Values Statements, and
5 Goals for 2015-2020. The Strategic Areas of Focus 2020 - Legislative Policy can be found HERE. There are 180 objectives in
support of the Mission, Vision, Values and Goals.

How have the 2015-2020 Goals fared? Are mission and vision objectives being met? Should they be

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2015-2020 Goals

  • Eagle County is Financially Sound

  • Eagle County is a Great Place to Live for All

  • Eagle County Protects the Natural Environment

  • Eagle County Promotes a Diverse and Resilient Economy

  • Eagle County is a High Performing Organization

Core Values

Creativity, Respect, Engagement, Accountability, Team, Excellence, Service

Mission: Creating a Better Eagle County for All

Eagle County achieves the mission by providing top quality county services with excellent customer service in a financially sustainable manner; we partner with the community and engage our residents.

  1. Listening to community members to understand service needs

  2. Adding value for customers

  3. Providing timely, quality services

  4. Developing an organizational culture that evaluates the quality of services and makes improvements

  5. Applying "best practices" to Eagle County government

  6. Maintaining County buildings, infrastructure, and facilities in excellent condition

  7. Hiring and retaining highly qualified County employees from diverse backgrounds

  8. Measuring service and program outcomes

  9. Assuring County systems and processes are clear, fair, and easy to access for all

  10. Treating our customers with respect, acting in a friendly and courteous manner

  11. Taking the time to explain decisions or actions, especially if the answer is "no"

  12. Going the extra mile to help our customers 5. Providing customer-friendly buildings and facilities

  13. Providing County services in a culturally competent manner

  14. Defining County services and service levels based on available resources and community demands

  15. Using financial tools to forecast future revenues and expenditures in order to use taxpayer and other funds efficiently and effectively

  16. Maintaining financial reserves consistent with County policies and national standards

  17. Delivering County services in an efficient and cost-effective manner

  18. Leveraging County resources with outside funding streams for maximum community benefit

  19. Providing competitive compensation and development opportunities for County employees

  20. Developing and following County financial policies

  21. Developing and maintaining transparent financial systems and reporting

  22. Identifying and connecting with strategic partners

  23. Working with community partners to establish and align common visions and goals

  24. Understanding the goals and needs of partners

  25. Maintaining open, regular communications with partners

  26. Resolving conflicts with partners in a timely manner

  27. Leveraging County resources through partnerships and collaborative efforts

  28. Working with partners to fill community gaps

  29. Utilizing partners to engage hard-to-reach populations in order to assure services are culturally and socially appropriate

  30. Proactively communicating with Eagle County residents

  31. Appropriately involving residents in the governance process

  32. Effectively using boards, commissions, and task forces to address community issues, and assuring diverse representation that reflects the community

  33. Informing residents about the County's mission, goals, finances, and services

  34. Having a visible presence in the community

  35. Engaging the residents in major projects, development of policies and plans, and planning the County's future

  36. Participating in community events and meetings

  37. Assuring non-English Speaking residents and other hard-to-reach populations have a voice in county planning, programming, and evaluation

Vision: Eagle County is made up of thriving communities for families and is home to a vibrant workforce, with personal health and wellness achievable for all. Our natural beauty is preserved through purposeful environmental stewardship. We are an international year-round resort destination with a diverse, resilient economy.

  1. Quality early childhood development and enrichment opportunities for every child

  2. Socio-economic and cultural diversity

  3. All definitions of family

  4. Attractive, family friendly neighborhoods with convenient access to amenities

  5. Gathering places and events that encourage residents getting to know and enjoy each other 6. Sense of personal safety and security

  6. Free or low-cost family activities and events, including recreational/leisure and arts/culture

  7. Workforce development and training for 21st century jobs

  8. Diverse jobs with livable wages for residents

  9. Range of quality housing choices: prices, types, locations, rental or ownership

  10. Opportunities for first-time homebuyers

  11. Mixed-income residential development

  12. Residences and workplaces connected by transit options

  13. Accessible, affordable, and quality medical and healthcare services for all

  14. Prevention programs and services with a high rate of utilization

  15. Full range of programs and services for the whole person: mental, physical, dental

  16. Activities, events, and programs that support and promote personal wellness

  17. Equitable services and opportunities tailored to the needs of vulnerable populations

  18. Natural and built environments that promote personal wellness

  19. Abundant clean water for our rivers, creeks, and lakes

  20. Green, healthy forests

  21. Open space with community buffers

  22. Clean air

  23. Unobstructed vistas

  24. Local and regional leadership on environmental issues

  25. Use and promotion of solar and other renewable energy sources to protect our climate

  26. Reduction, reuse, and recycling of solid waste county wide

  27. “Net Zero” energy use for County government

  28. Reduction in our community’s greenhouse gas emissions

  29. Accessible, useable transportation options including public transit, trails, alternative fuel vehicles

  30. Healthy, interconnected, and sustainable eco-systems

  31. Successful four-season venues, programs, and experiences

  32. International brand recognition

  33. World-class competition and events regularly scheduled in Eagle County

  34. Opportunities for residents to enjoy events and activities

  35. Model of resort environmental stewardship

  36. Successful ski resort corporation

  37. Convenient, affordable air service with connections for international travel

  38. Convenient and safe travel to and from DIA and the Front Range

  39. Strong tourism with returning visitors

  40. Positive environment for innovators and entrepreneurs

  41. World-class destination for medical, healthcare and wellness services

  42. Expanded higher educational and degree programs

  43. Home-based businesses and offices

  44. Access to broadband for all 7. Green business economy

  45. Farm and ranch-based businesses with “farm to table” and local food production opportunities

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